152 3/4 inches by 230 inches by 120 inches, 2017, Video Installation
152 3/4” X 230”X 120” IS A DIMENSION OF THE ARTIST’S STUDIO SPACE IN LOS ANGELES. THE distorted 3D rendering IN THE VIDEO IS GENERATED BY 3D-SCANNING A MIRROR THAT WAS PLACED IN THE center of the ARTIST’S STUDIO. The 3D model generative program created a 3d model USING only THE “REFLECTion” of the studio reflected in the mirror. the 3D model, which can only be generated from limited image data, shows an abstractly transformed spatial image. This is in line with the author's cognitive experience of the surrounding environment at the time. In different country where measurement units and languages are different than what she is used to, her spatial awareness becomes dull and abstract.