Time During The United States is an ongoing hair drawing series that is a record of time after the artist moved to the United States. As the artist’s hair was dyed blond before she moved to the United States, the blond part of her hair becomes an indication of the past and the newly grown root that is black becomes an indication of the accumulated time in the United States.
Time During the United States - Can Time Solve Things contains the phrase “Can Time Solve Things” written at four different period of time, which was written using only the artist’s black hair roots. The first sentence can only be written in small letters because the black hair is not yet long, but as time passes, the black hair grows longer and the size of the letters that can be written gets bigger. This creates an ironic situation in which, as time in the States accumulates which gives more available (linguistic) materials to use, but the question “Can Time Solve Things?” grows larger.